Guamuchil Pithecellobium dulce - 1 Plant - 2 to 3 Feet Tall - Ship in 3 Gal Pot
Guamuchil -Pithecellobium dulce
Live Plant With Good Root - Fresh From Our Garden
(You Will Receive 1 Plant - 3 Feet Tall - Ship in 1 Gal Pot)
It is a medium size tree with many uses; food (sweet pods), firewood, honey, fodder, soap oil, tannin, hedges and shade; it can survive hostile climates. Thin spines are in pairs at the base of leaves. Leaves
are deciduous. However, new leaf growth coincides with the loss of old leaves, giving the tree an evergreen appearance. The flowers are in small white heads 1/2" in diameter. The pods are pinkish, about 5" long,
and become spiral as they mature. Pods contain a pulp that is variously
sweet and acid, commonly white but also red. The seed and pulp are made
into a sweet drink and eaten roasted or fresh. Fruits are eaten raw, and commonly used in the preparation of beverages. In India the seeds are used fresh or in curries.